Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why I love qouting other people.

Well, i actualy had to think about it. I knew i did, but why? Maybe I dont have good enough things to say. but thats not it. Maybe I think im imune to criticizm if im not the first one to say it. but whatever the case I do love it and do it alot. so here are some of my favorite qoutes:
"if we did all the things we were capable of doing we would litteraly astound ourselves" thats Thomas Edison.
And its so true. If we really believe we can do all things through Christ then yeah, we would be amazed. And I do believe it.
I love what Mark Twain said; ""forgiveness is the fragrence that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it". Thats pure poetry right there. Forgiveness is such a beautiful thing!
I guess thats all for now. maybe i will have more time and post some more later.